Monday, February 14, 2011

Let's try this again...

Welcome to The Ashford Castle. No, not that Ashford Castle...

No, instead, it's my new blog. I tried this blog thing once before, and that ended miserably. I didn't write enough, and consequently, it was a failed effort. Funny, considering I used to be employed as a writer at a newspaper. But I think that contributed to my lack of want-to when it came to writing. Working at a newspaper is a burn-out, and after I left, I didn't want to touch writing for a very long time.

But I've had a desire lately to get back into it. Not at a newspaper. Heck no, I've got an amazing job that has absolutely nothing to do with newspapers of any kind, which is definitely a good thing. Instead, I want to write to share my ideas and experiences, as a God-fearing Christian, as a husband to an incredible and everything-I-could-ever-want wife, as a father to a wonderful and amazing son, and as a brother, son, friend, co-worker, acquaintance, or whatever else you want to call me. All the things that make up my Castle - The Ashford Castle. There's even a jester...

Check back often. I hope I give you reason to.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, bro. I'm definitely interested in hearing what's on your mind!
